I recently wandered into a nice thing on facebook called Sacred Rituals With Horse. I'm not sure how to describe it. A group run by two really lovely-spirited women who are encouraging others to join them in creating sacred space with horses in a very open ended way. There's often an animal communication component to what they do. They're very welcoming.
Of course, I'm in an odd space with this. I no longer have horses, and that is still painful. However, it seems that horses remain essential to my spiritual life. It feels natural that they are. I still feel strongly called to serve Epona and Rhiannon. (I am still exploring things with Macha.) Stephanie and Melissa, who lead the group, assure us that we can do this work without a horse necessarily being present. We can reach out to horses that we have known, or to the overarching spirit of the horse.
I was immediately attracted to that last idea, and for a couple of days I began to set my intention for last night. I am starting work on a book, and it is bringing a lot of questions to the surface. When we domesticated horses, did we simply enslave them, and build everything we had with them on anthropocentric ground? Or is it possible that there was true willingness, even joy, for them in that so-called partnership?
The evening wore on until I eventually tackled a couple of tasks I needed to be free of before I started the ritual. Then as I finally began to think about things, the poem that I've shared below came to my mind. So much for being non-verbal! So I got that out of my system and used it as a kind of statement of my intention. It was midnight before I started, but that's not really late for me, and it was dark and quiet.
I lay listening, being open for quite a long time. There were no burning bushes or great visions, but I felt that I did receive some impressions, wisdom, healing, reassurance -- and I will do this again. Even writing this now, I see some things I could do better next time. I won't wait for the next new moon. I will let this grow, and maybe do it again tonight. Try to get into a flow with it. I invite you to join me. Use the words below as a springboard, if it helps.
Invitation to the Spirit of Horse
Reach to me
Tell me the secrets
As I reach to you
Tell me what you want me to know
Whisper to me
Tell me the hurts
As I whisper to you
Tell me how we heal this wound
Sing to me
Sing me your melody
As I sing to you
Sing the song of your truth
Dance with me
Dance me your story
As I dance for you
Dance your heart into this safe space
Speak to me
Speak of your will
As I speak to you
Speak to me of your dreams and sorrows
- Kris, 2018